Apex Legends features quite a few different characters with plenty of rare skins spread between them. However, as with every hero shooter not every Legend is going to be relevant to you. Most players tend to gravitate towards a single Hero that they’re particularly skilled with, hence the term ‘main’. Even if you have a sub or two that you occasionally use, when you’re looking for the rarest skins you’re really after the rarest skins for the legend that you play. There are plenty of skins of Bangalore, and some of them have been out of action long to become the rarest skins for Bangalore. We’ve covered every Bangalore skin too, to show you the skins that most players tend to just ignore.
These are all of the skins for Bangalore, divided by their rarity! Some of the rarest Bangalore skins won’t be seen very often. These are the skins for Bangalore you should be showing off, if you have them.
Common Bangalore Skins
The Common Bangalore skins are a boring bunch. They are all recolors of her outfit. That’s it. It isn’t even a full recolor, just the trim! These are pretty dull and few players will even notice the slightly difference.
These are Yellowjacket, Vino, Skyward, Sahara, Rage, Orchid, Midnight, Mandarin, Limelight, Hydro, Flamingo, and Evergreen. You can likely figure out which is which since they’re color-coded to their names. Every Bangalore skin has to be different, so at least the got the simple color changes out of the way. There are some more exciting Bangalore outfits, but I guess these keep things simple in a way you can appreciate.
These are the rest of the current common Bangalore skins. From left to right, top row to the bottom. They are Cardinal, Arctic, and Clearwater. Each cost 30 Crafting materials.
Rare Bangalore Skins
These are the Bangalore Skins which are a bit rarer. While they might be officially designated as rare Bangalore skins, they’re kind of not. These are far from the rarest Bangalore skins. The name is really just a title, these are actually quite common. While they’re a little more interesting than the common skins, they’re hardly the rarest Bangalore skins.
From left to right, top to bottom, these are Snakeskin, Dire World, Varsity, Disrupter, Fire Support, Molten Core, Sizzle Reel, and Arachnophobia.
These each cost 60 crafting materials and you’re likely to see them quite frequently.
These are more ‘Rare skins’. This time (in the same order as the previous image) they are, Kingslayer, Stained Glass, Generation X, Electric Synapse, Purgatory, Death Adder, and Circuit Breaker.
Valor is a little different to the others on the list, being unlocked at Level 1 of a Battle Pass. This doesn’t exactly make it a rare skin. Out of every Bangalore outfit this one requires such a low barrier to entry that it shouldn’t be counted as exclusive. However, it is possible that Bangalore outfits like this will become rare in a few seasons time, as the game’s player base changes.
Dino Dynamo
This one might not one of the rarest Bangalore skins, but it deserves an honorable mention. This one was a Twitch exclusive skin. This makes it a bit rarer of these other fairly common skins, but it doesn’t approach the rarity of the skins further down this list.
Epic – Some of The Rarest Bangalore Skins
We now start to see some of the more interesting Bangalore outfits. These ones are quite the rarest in the game, but they are at least a bit less common. These skins were available but cost quite a bit more. They aren’t as common of a sight as the other skins. They also do something more than just recolor an outfit, this has put them much more in-demand.
From left to right, top to bottom, these are Fiber Optics, Daemon Hunter, Hack the System, Heat Sync, Neural Net, and Nerves of Steel. These all feature an overall colored look. This is a much bigger change than the common and rare skins. However, it isn’t really enough of a difference to make them that rare.
Each cost 400 Crafting Materials, aside from Nerves of Steel. That one was only unlockable with the Iron Crown event. This has made that particular skin one of the rarest Bangalore skins, even if it looks pretty similar to what else is available.
Legendary – The Rarest Bangalore Skins
The Legendary Skins is where we really get into the rare content. Out of every Bangalore skin, these are the ones to have. These all look quite a bit different than the other skins on offer. Each had different requirements to get access to purchasing it. This has made them some of the rarest Bangalore skins available.
The Enforcer
This one might initially appear to be a recolor like the other skins, but there is a pair of sunglasses that say differently. It isn’t the most exciting, but a pair of sunglasses sat on an otherwise serious face is a little bit of fun that most Apex Legends skins are missing. It would have cost you 1,200 crafting materials!
Officer Williams
This one also cost 1,220 crafting materials. It features a semi-police vibe to it kind of like The Enforcer. It is quite a bit different to the other skins available, but not exactly stealthy.
The Space Walker
Here is where things get interesting. This one is kind of like an astronaut. It is mainly white, with a strange headgear accessory. It appears like an add-on to Bangalor’s face. To get this one you had to pay 1,200 crafting materials.
Apex Overdrive
This skin replaces the entirety of Bangalore’s face with a cybernetic mask. The outfit is stockier, with a red and white pattern all over. This is definitely one of the most different Bangalor skins. With such a unique look, it has become one of the rarest Bangalore skins.
Outland Warrior
This is the first Bangalore skin that was exclusive to an event and has achieved a real rarity. This one costs the whole of 1,800 Apex Coins, and it was only available as part of the Legendary Hunt! If you wanted this Mad Max style skin, you could have had to have picked it up back then.
La Catrina
This one is likely going to end up quite rare in the future. It is part of the ongoing Fight or Fright event in Apex Legends. It is a day of the Dead inspired look. Bangalore’s skin seems to be getting more exciting as time goes on, with recent events offering more interesting looks than changing one color.
The Rarest Bangalore Skins
These are the Rarest Bangalor skins. Each of these had some very specific circumstances behind getting access to them. This has made them the most desired skins for Bangalore.
Full Metal Jacket
Bangalore aside, this just one of the rarest skins in the entire game! This one required you to have the Spacewalker skin, and 10,500 Legend Tokens. This is quite the price to pay, but if you had paid it then you would have the one of the rarest skins in the game!
Killer B
This is one of the coolest skins, so it is fitting that it is one of the rarest Bangalore skins. You would have needed Apex Overdrive and 10500 crafting materials to get this skin! It is a yellow-tinged skin that kind of resembles a Bumblebee, a killer B if you’d wish.
Cherry Bomb
This is actually a really new skin, but it is unlikely that all that many players are going to end up with it. You would have to own the Enforced skin first and shell out 10500 crafting materials.
Those are all of the Bangalore skins currently available in the game! They vary from very simple recolored skins to some of the coolest and rarest Bangalore skins in the game. Let us know in the comments which is your favorite, and which you think is the rarest in the game.