Apex Legends features quite a few cosmetics. However, the ones that most players will want are the skins. Some of the rarest Apex Legends skins have already disappeared from the item shop. Despite not being around as long as games like Fortnite or PUBG, Apex Legends has wasted no time in brining in a lot of different outfits for each of its legends. While other cosmetics are available, these are the things that really make you stand out.
A lot of the rarest Apex Legends skins have become so rare because of the way that they were released. Apex Legends has limited time events like the Iron Crown or Fright or Fight. These events offer some exclusive content, that is only available for a short period of time. This can make some of the skins really rare after the event is over. These are the rarest Apex Legends skins, the ones you won’t see around World’s Edge anytime soon.
Great Winter
The Great Winter skin is officially classified as Legendary, but hasn’t been seen since March! This skin for Bloodhound only really changed the color of the character. You have to have already gotten the Imperial Warrior Skin for Bloodhound to even get the chance to purchase this skin for 1800 Apex Coins.
The Dark Artist
The Dark Artist is an interesting looking skin for Mirage. It gives him a sort of all-black body suit. Might help with stealth, if you find a dark corner to crawl into. It hasn’t been seen in the shop for a while and requires the Ghost Machine skin to purchase, making it one of the rarest Apex Legends skins.
Soft Power
This skin decks Gibraltar out in some purple and light blue armor. It isn’t super different from his generic look, but this alternative color scheme will definitely have its fans. It was only available if you had Soft Power and cost 6500 crafting materials.
Airship Assassin
Airship Assassin was a skin for Wraith. It features a pretty ninja kind of look, with some hints of steampunk. It was only available to owners of the Void Specialist skin and cost 6500 Crafting materials. Not the highest barrier to entry, but its short shelf life has made it one of the rarest Apex Legends skins.
Lifeline Bling
This one might be rare for a reason. It doesn’t really have anything going for it. While it looks mildly different to the default look, this isn’t really enough to warrant splashing out on. It was only available if you have the Peak Performer skin, and cost 1050 crafting materials.
Full Metal Jacket
Full Metal Jacket is a Bangalore skin that gives you quite a bit more armor. It isn’t the most interesting looking skin, but definitely serviceable. To unlock this one, you had to have The Spacewalker already and hand over 10500 crafting materials. It isn’t the biggest shame that this is one of the rarest Apex Legends Skins since it isn’t the most interesting.
The Trophy Hunter
Caustic doesn’t have as many really rare skins yet. This is one of his few that aren’t as popular or highly seen, The Trophy Hunter is quite a unique new look, turning him into an Eskimo of some sort. If you want to look like you’re preparing for an expedition to Hoth then you would need blackheart and 10500 crafting materials.
Killer B
Killer B is a pretty cool skin for Bangalore. It is striped with Yellow which gives it a nice Bumble bee kind of look. This is one of the more unique skins. You needed Apex Overdrive and 10500 crafting materials for this one.
Red Shift
Red Shift is definitely a unique look. You’re kitted out in solid red and gold, even with some cool spikes on the boots. If you wanted this one you needed to have El Diablo and 10500 crafting materials.
Center Stage
This is a Mirage skin that fits in well with Red Shift. It is bright red, gold, and white. While the top half may make him look like he’s wearing an oversized hockey jersey, you’ll stand out. You needed Angel City Hustler and 10500 Apex Coins to unlock this skin.
First Responder
This one again fits with the last two skins. It is for Lifeline and actually gives her a fairly unique look of Red and White. It only cost 6500 crafting materials but did require you to have Organized Anarchy.
Bot of Gold
This skin combines a ridiculous and over the top look with a fantastically grown worthy pun. This Pathfinder skin renders him in solid gold. He looks like C-3PO, or as if he’s been stolen with Churchill’s house. You needed Quicksilver and 10500 to unlock this skin. It is a shame it is out of rotation and one of the rarest Apex Legends skin since This is definitely the most eye-catching look of Pathfinder.
Raven’s Shadow
Raven’s Shadow required you to previously have the Plague Doctor, which makes sense since it retains a lot of the iconography of plague doctors. This time around the padding more resembles the Ninja Turtles master Shredder. Definitely, a fun skin, if you had 10500 crafting materials around when it released.
Dark Cloud
Dark Cloud is one of the rarest Apex Legends skin even if it is a bit simple. It is an improvement over some of the straight color swap skins. However, you’ll still just decked out in all black. Still, it is a clean and polished look. You had to have Divine Right and 10,500 crafting materials to get this one.
Code Red
Code Red completes the set of bright red skins! This one is for Gibraltar and kits him out entirely in bright red firefighter gear. A fun look that required the bunker Buster and 6500 crafting materials.
This skin for Wraith required Vengeance Seeker and 10500 crafting materials. It is solid blue with a few flashes of Orange. This is a livelier skin than a lot of others but lacks the impact of the Code Red. It required Vengeance Seeker and 10500 crafting materials.
Green Machine
Pathfinder has some of the most unique and distinctive skins. Green Machine is no exception to this. What you see is what you get, he is painted bright green. It is a fun one for flexing, even in bright green, you might be able to stay undetected. You would have needed the Aviator to get this skin alongside 10500 crafting materials.
Extreme Measures
Extreme Measures is a fun skin, the mix of purple and gold and the patterning makes it something quite unique. Unfortunately, you needed the victory Lap for it so it isn’t exactly the most accessible look. It also would have set you back by 10500 crafting materials.
Current Champ
Current Champ and Bionic Woman aren’t the rarest Apex Legends skins, but they’re up there. This one features a nice alternative color for Wattson. It required Ace of Sparks and 10500 crafting materials.
Bionic Wonder
Like Current Champ, this one isn’t the rarest thing in the game since the Legend it is for is quite new. However, it is a really fun look. To have gotten this skin, you needed Cyber Security. On top of that, it would have cost 10500 crafting materials.
Even if you don’t have one of the rarest Apex Legends skins, that doesn’t stop you from competing in the game! If you do have one of these skins, then be sure to wear it and show it off particularly if it is a Pathfinder skin, since they stand out so much! Let us know if we’ve one of the rarest skins.
I have most of em but the flashpoint
I found out I have an actual “rare” skin. Green machine Im gonna be rocking way more
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