League of Legends puts its champions at the center of its gameplay. However, with so much choice out there it can be tricky to find the exact right one to use. Typically, your choice is going to be down to your team as much as anything else. Although, what about Solo queue? A lot of players use the solo queue to climb in the game, and this can present problems when you’re choosing a Legend. That’s why you need to use the best solo climb Legends, the characters that work best here.
Climbing can be a bit frustrating in LoL. When you’re using the solo queue, it can be even more frustrating. There are heroes that work well in the meta for general teams, but solo climb in LoL is a bit more complicated. You need to be using picks that specifically stand out players looking to solo climb in LoL. This guide covers a tier list to solo climb in LoL, and the top picks for Legends that work great for this purpose.
Best Solo Climb Legends – Tier List
In LoL, the tier lists for champions changes around pretty frequently. You’re not going to be able to stick to just a few picks forever. Things come in and out of the meta as the balance is adjusted. the same is true for solo climb-specific heroes. This tier list deals with the best solo climb Legends in the current meta:
- Top Lane – Dr Mundo, Wukong, Cho’Gath, Nasus, Lee Sin, Malphite, Garen, Shen, Urgot, Darius, and Kled.
- Jungle – Diana, Morgana, Volibear, Nunu, Nocturne, UDYR, Shaco, Elise.
- Mid Lane – Katrina, Siana, Neeko, Annie, Malzahar, Ahri, Fizz, Vladimir, Anivia, Ekko, Zed, Yasuo, Katarina.
- ADC – Ashe, Sivir, Tristana, Miss Fortune, Jinx, Seraphine, Swain, Jhin, Vayne,
- Support – Soraka, Brand, Nami, Morgana, Leona, Lulu, Blitzcrank, Zilean, Bard, and Thresh
Those are top heroes for solo climb in LoL at the moment. The other champions can be excellent as part of a proper team but might be just missing out on the top spot thanks to the difference when playing solo. If you’re looking for some specific top picks though, below we’ve got some characters from this tier list that are particularly worth singling out.
Best LoL Champions to Solo Climb in Patch 11.9
That’s a full tier list for the best solo climb champions in LoL. However, it is worth breaking into the top ones in a bit more detail. There are five Champions which can make things a lot easier when you’re just trying to rank up, this is what makes each of them special:
Lee Sin – Best Solo Climb for Top Tier
Lee Sin is probably the top pick when it comes to the top lane. He is mobile, has a high skillcap, and generally balances things out well. He has been buffed a fair bit in recent patches and has made him a great pick for multiple roles. However, when queuing in Solo he is likely best used in the top lane. He can dominate a game from early on when used correctly. Lee Sin is one of the best Solo climb champions in LoL at the moment. He’s one of the stronger fighters, so you should be trying to get in there as soon as the game opens.
Morgana – Jungle
For the Jungle Lane, there are quite a few different champions that work. However, the best for solo at the moment is probably Morgana. Morgana is one of the easiest to play in this section, giving a different experience to the high skill cap of Lee Sin. This doesn’t mean she’s too simple, as you can still get a lot done here. There just isn’t the same complexity to pulling off a decent performance. She is one of the fastest to clear at the moment, with great crowd control abilities. This is a real advantage when you’re playing Jungle. The main downside is you’re partially reliant on your team’s choices in the other lanes. However, even in solo queue, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Katarina – Best Solo Climb in Mid Lane
Katrina is another of the best Solo Climb legends that have gotten this status due to a lot of recent buffs. She is a good counter for a number of Legends that are popularly used at the moment. If you’re neglected in the mid-lane, then you can begin to snowball and dominate games. One of her best features is powerful burst damage and flexibility that allows you to run the middle lane. One problem is that this Legend is pretty reliant on a mobile playstyle. However, if you can pull that off she is a great choice and one of the best solo climb Legends.
Tristana – ADC
Tristana is a Legend that can be especially mobile, and with great burst damage. This can go even further with the right build, really ramping up attack speed. Other ADCs have been hit with some pretty heavy nerfs in recent updates. So Tristana is a great pick for this category. The speed, mobility, and attack potential here are what really make her effective for a solo player.
LuLu – Best Solo Climb in Support
Support isn’t the easiest position to play in, especially in solo queue. However, Lulu is definitely one of the better candidates for this section. She has a lot of crowd control potential, great utility, and she’s pretty easy to pick up on if you’re not planning on maining support. Ideally, she should be paired with a decent ADC to get the most out of this play style. This isn’t always possible without a choice, but she is a great pick for the best LoL Solo climb legends.
Those are the top picks for best solo climb Legend in LoL at the moment. Climbing as a solo player isn’t exactly easy, you’re often at the mercy of teammates. However, each character here is useable for solo players without relying too much on other players. Our other guides to LoL can help you ensure you’re running the game as well as you can, to keep up the pressure when in Solo queue:
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