Now that the Season 2 of Apex Legends is underway, we’ve learned a lot more about the changes to the map. After a long first season, the old layout was becoming a little stale. Thankfully, things have changed with this latest update. The Apex Legends Season 2 map is different to the original in a few ways If you want to continue to win games and progress up in that Ranked Mode then you may have to adjust your strategy from the first season to better suit the new map.
What you want out of a landing space depends on how you typically play. If you’re looking to land in an equivalent of Fortnite’s Tilted Towers, then there are some busy spots for you. Equally, if you’re after a quieter type of gameplay then landing somewhere quite is also possible. In general, you should avoid the massively different areas of the map. Despite their importance, these spots are often crowded because of the novelty of something new! Staying away from them lets you stay safe in the openings rounds. However, if you’re really confident of your ability to track and aim with whatever legend you’re using, it can also be a great place to hoover up some eliminations.
This guide will run you through all of the changes that have been made to the Apex Legends map. This way you know what to avoid or alter from your Season 1 map routine.
Apex Legends Season 2 Map Changes
Just between Repulsor and Market, there used to be a closed-in group of shacks. These homes have unfortunately been one of the victims of the Leviathans. If you previously looked to this place for some indoor combat, you should avoid it. There is little left.
This area is now more of a throughway; I would avoid it unless you’re confident that you can quickly escape. This more of a reduction in points of interest in the Season 2 map.
Containment is a new area in the north of the map. It stands where cascades used to. It is a vertical area that gives plenty of opportunities for more vertical styles of play. There are also a number of caged creatures. This just seems like set dressing but the animals actually make quite a bit of noise. You can use this to hide the noise of your footsteps if you’re attempting to sneak up on someone.
The Cage – New Addition to the Season 2 Map
The Cage is the major addition to the Season 2 map. It is a large structure made mostly of metal. There is some lore behind it if you’re following the storyline of the game. Otherwise, it is a pretty popular landing spot so be careful. If you’re up for a fight, then there is plenty of loot contained in the Cage. Ensure you’re ready to take on over players before you land though, it is one of the more popular spots in the Apex Legends Season 2 map.
If the circles manage to keep this area in play, it can be interesting in the late game. If you’re playing with Wattson, it is a perfect place to establish a defended position. The higher levels can only really be reached by a few entrances, making it quite easy to defend with fences.
This area is a redone version of Shattered Forest. It is now much greener with quite a bit more cover. While this makes it easier to defend, there still isn’t much loot nearby. It is a little more useful if you get caught here while moving,
Using the Season 2 Map
The Season 2 map hasn’t had the same level of changes as Fortnite gets between Seasons. However, a few of the new additions will make things a bit livelier for certain types of players. Otherwise, try to keep the animals now around in mind. These creatures can help you operate more stealthily.
If you want to win more games in Apex Legends Season 2, you need to be using the best settings for pc or console, and getting the best frames per second possible.