Mordhau has received another update. This is one is bringing the game much closer to what a lot of players envisioned. Some of the big content that has been teased for most of this year has finally made an appearance in the game. While new maps and modes grab the eye, Patch 11 also contains some of the less interesting patch elements. Unlike past patches though, there aren’t quite as many small weapon changes. This update has focused on bringing promised new material to the game, rather than tinkering in what is already there.
Alongside this new content, Patch 11 has made a point of addressing some of the quality of life issues that still exist in Mordhau. This is a much more manageable change to the game than those we’ve recently seen. There are few major changes to weapons or existing mechanics, but plenty of improvements to the game and new content. This should help you preserve dueling ability on the new game modes.
Main Changes and New Content in Patch 11
- Invasion – This is a new game mode that is objective-based. It is working its way into the rotation with the Frontline mode on official servers. It is currently available on Grad, Tagia, and Camp. This new mode should give players a bit more variation in their battles.
- Tools for Mod maps and tokens have been reworked. You can now download modded maps.
- The waiting time for a player in a duel has been reduced from 2 minutes to 90 seconds.
- Kills Credits – Kills credits will no longer be assigned for team damage. This should help prevent accidental teamkills being assigned from suicides or accidents.
- Players on Horses – These players will now count towards a push on objectives. This makes things a bit easier on horseplayers after the last patch.
- Auto-Bans – Killing 5 teammates will no longer give you a global ban of 30 minutes. It will now only give you a ban of 30 minutes. Since this is a warning punishment anyway it is unlikely to change player behavior very much.
Combat Changes in Patch 11
- Axe – The head bonus stamina drain against shields has been reduced to be weaker.
- Held Block Shields – The global stamina negation has increased by 1, and the block turncap is now less strict.
- Horde Changes – The changes from the previous patch have been reverted aside from projectile damage, which remains at the current level.
- Horse Respawns – The time for this has been increased to two minutes. This Patch 11 change follows on from the pretty strong horse nerfs in the last patch.
- Spinning – The little trick of spinning in the opposite direction and back backswinging no longer works.
- Eveningstar – The main strike combo has been slowed down to 25ms.
Other Changes in Patch 11
- Objective Icons – These icons have been limited and cleaned up. Although this change is minor, it will help with screen clutter.
- Server Admin Commands – Server admins can now mute, unmute, mute list different players. This gives more control over the proceedings.
- Profanity Filter – Bug fixes.
Those were all of the changes with Patch 11. However, that isn’t quite it. Patch 11 was followed by two hotfixes which contain some minor adjustments. There were quite a few changes. There is a full list. However, the vast majority of these only covered things that players shouldn’t be doing. If you’re playing the game as normal, the hotfixes shouldn’t affect you beyond getting rid of annoying bugs.
Patch 11 has brought a brand new game mode to Mordhau. There has never been a better time to get back into the game. Make sure you’re using the right settings, keybinds, and getting the best frames per second possible to stand the best chance in the new Invasion game mode.