Valorant is a complex game. With the various agents and weapons at play, you’ve got a lot to master if you really want to win more games. The first decision you really need to take though is which agent to play. If you’re going to play Valorant as Breach, you’ve got a lot to work with. This agent has been called overpowered and made a pretty popular choice on most teams. If you want to make the most out of him though, you’ve got to master all of the abilities that come with Breach.
The balance of power in Valorant often depends on walls and barriers. Spacing out other players to control areas of the map is really important. This isn’t a problem for Breach, as the name would imply. This is a character that is great at pushing through enemy defenses to break through a lockdown. This makes a Breach player a great choice for a team that is otherwise lacking in those push agents. This guide covers the basics of playing as Breach, so you can master this aggressive character.
Valorant Breach Abilities Guide
Valorant’s abilities are some of the more universally applicable. He works great at attack and defense. He is an attacking agent, but also partially support. A support attack is really what you could term him as. He sets his teammates up to take space from enemies, but you do this yourself if you follow up your attacks well. The abilities help with this by allowing you to get through walls to space held by enemies, disrupting it to blow in. Breach does need a good grasp of the map you’re playing on, so bear this in mind.
Aftershock is Breach’s first ability. This fires an explosion through a wall that is slow activating and clears space on the other side. These are some tips and tricks for using this fairly simple ability well:
- This ability works best in tight spots. Ideally, you want to hit an area that gives enemies little space to run. Tight enclosed spaces and interior corners are perfect.
- This can be used to save yourself from having to peak to check an area.
- The damage can kill a player that doesn’t move. Most players are going to move though! Listen to the sound cues for information about where enemies are before sweeping it.
- You can only carry one charge at a time, so it isn’t the most useful if you hoard it!
- Defensively, you can just use it to push enemies back and prevent yourself from being rushed, as enemies will flee from it.
- There is no charge time, so this is convenient to pull out when you’re back in a corner.
Flashpoint is a flash-bang style grenade, and this is by far the best Valorant version of this attack. You can’t just throw them in the air, so you’ll need to utilize the map to use it properly.
- You can see where this is going to go off based on the indicator on the reticule of this attack. Make sure this is exactly where you need it since using the map geometry can be tricky at first.
- You can carry two charges, so this is a good one to buy when you have the cash even if you end up saving one for another round.
- This lasts longer than a similar ability from Phoenix, so this is always better for an attack.
- It has obvious defensive applications too; it sends enemies running back really quickly.
- You can use it to push enemies around areas and take ground, coordinate with your teammates to make the most out of this.
- Using it in a rush is a high risk/reward move. It has a longer cast time than is ideal but works really well once (or if) you get it fired off.
Fault Line
This is an ability you get every round. You fire a field through walls and cover that shocks enemies, it also slows them down and disrupts their screen. This is really effective. So effective that it sometimes renders Aftershock irrelevant. These are some tips on when to use it:
- On the mini-map you can see how far it’ll go based on how long you charge it.
- All players are affected by it.
- It has a longer charge time and audio cues that can really give you away. This means it is a bit difficult to use if you’re not well hidden or if your enemies are particularly aware. However, good placement can fix this.
- Using it early is great for getting more use out of this one of breach’s abilities.
- When to use this, is pretty much wherever is a good place to do so. The only real concern you have is actually firing it off properly.
- You can use it really well to force players out of a long stretch. Time this with your team and you can take a lot of new ground.
Rolling Thunder
This lets you fire a long explosion that moves through the map, both disrupting enemies and throwing them into the air. This is a great ultimate ability and one that really needs your whole team to be on the same page. These are some tips for using breach’s ultimate properly:
- The minimap shows how far it’s going to go, so placement is easy to line up.
- It also shows up on a minimap, so you don’t have to peak to make sure you know where it is at any given time.
- It can clear an entire lane of traffic, so you can take out a bomb site or block entry to one pretty easily.
- If you use it against a fairly exposed space, you can disrupt and then take a whole team.
- Friendly players can get hit by it too. Stay out of the way! This is really important.
Should You Play as Breach in Valorant?
One thing that really determines if Breach is right for you is communication. Breach more so than most other agents, needs communication with your team. His abilities can clear entire sections. So, you need a team that can capitalize on them and one that can actually listen and get out of the way when you fire something off. Otherwise, perfect timing isn’t going to help you much with Breach.
Our other guides to Valorant can help you nail the core mechanics that go into the game for every agent too:
- Best Valorant Weapons Guide
- Which Valorant Agent Should You Play As?
- How to Unlock all Valorant Agents
- Best Valorant Settings
- Valorant Phoenix Guide
- Valorant Tips and Tricks