Apex Legends is a hero shooter that seems really well suited to its trademark Trios game mode. However, you can now play Solos. Whether you’re infuriated by your teammates or just fancy seeing if you can make it on your own, most players are going to be jumping into Solos. If you want to complete the Iron Crown challenges, you’ve got to be at least competent at playing solos. While Apex Legends Solo Mode might seem like quite a natural move for players of other Battle Royales, it isn’t necessarily the easiest transition
If you want to succeed in Apex Legends Solo mode, you need to adjust to the different gameplay. It isn’t the easiest change since the entire map and balance of the game is kind of built for teams. However, everyone on the map is facing the same problems as you. You can use this to your advantage and try to get as many Solo wins as you can.
The first thing to do is to make sure you’re running the game as well as you can. If you’re on PC, this means optimizing your settings to run the game the best and provide the best frames per second. If you’re on console, you can also optimize your settings and controller. Since you’re playing Solo, stick to your strongest Legend here. It isn’t the place for experimentation. This what you need to do to win more Apex Legends Solo mode games.
How to Play Apex Legends Solo Mode
At the moment, the Apex Legends Solo Mode is only available as a limited-time mode. It should vanish from the game along with the Iron Crown event on August 27. However, being such a highly requested feature this probably isn’t the last we’ll see of it.
The basics you need to know; is that you’re only in a game with 59 other people. The Apex Legends Solo mode doesn’t quite measure up to Fortnite in terms of sheer numbers. However, if you want to come out on top of those 60 people, you need to be playing your best. The first thing to consider is which Legend to use.
Which Legend Should You Use in Apex Legends Solo Mode?
Not every Legend is actually viable in Solo mode. While your main character might be more comfortable and may be worth sticking with, not everyone’s abilities are set up to be helpful to every player. Some Legends work better as members of a team.
The top choices of legends for Apex Legends Solo mode are Pathfinder, Bangalore, and Octane. The special abilities of these Legends suit themselves to the Solo mode much easier than others. However, most of them can be viable without too much work.
There are a few that you should probably avoid. Lifeline and Gibraltar don’t add much to the game. Their specials aren’t very useful without team members about. If you’re really confident with your aim they can work. However, you are sacrificing the player specific boosts that Apex Legends is so well known for.
Location Guide for Apex Legends Solo Mode
Since you’ll be landing on your own this time around, the choice of location is a bit different. There is also a new area added to the map, Gauntlet. For the most part, you should avoid it unless you’re really after a fight. The combination of this being new and needing to land here to complete a challenge at the moment has made this area absolutely slammed.
Otherwise, you need to keep in mind that there are way more players landing separately in a map designed to provide locations for teams of three. You are unlikely to find anywhere unpopulated and with loot for you. However, if you land in a busier spot there is enough loot for three people rather than one. This does give you a bit of an advantage over other players.
The best advice for choosing where to land in the Apex Legends Solo Mode is to learn how to shoot straight. If you go for somewhere remote and deserted, you might survive. However, you ‘ll hardly be able to equip yourself for the game. Go for a medium-sized location and be willing to fight off other players.
Apex Legends Solo Mode Tips and Tricks
Those are the major differences when playing Solo Mode. However, all of the gameplay feels different. These are the main things to watch out for when you’re playing the apex Legends Solo Mode.
- All Action –The action is pretty non-stop in solo mode. The amp isn’t designed for lone wolves. This means you’ll rarely be alone. You need to be able to fight or escape from players at pretty much all times. Unlike PUBG and Fortnite, there won’t be any slow-paced minutes. If you’re loading up the Apex Legends Solo Mode, keep in mind you’re in for a pretty constant fight.
- Death is Final – Unlike in the main Apex Legends game, you can’t be healed or respawned after being downed. This should be basic, but it is surprisingly how much relying on healing becomes a part of your muscle memory. Even if you’re aware you’re dead after taking damage, you might have taught yourself to play Apex Legends in a more aggressive way than other shooters since you can usually shrug off damage. You need to be more careful about getting hurt.
- Stay High on Health – Since you only live once, make sure that you make healing a top priority. Having lowered health or shield is going to be much more of a disadvantage. Healing should be your first concern after a firefight, not looting.
If you want to win more matches in the Apex Legends Solo Mode you can follow these tips and tricks. However, using the right settings and getting the best frames per second possible is just as important.